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L’Abode Accommodations Down Under: Agile Leadership Navigates Pandemic Threat to Business Survival
作者姓名:Dennis Paris; Sheri Lambert; Jennifer M. Sundstrom-Fitzgerald;
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:W26692
出版日期:2022/03/18內容長度:9 頁

On March 1, 2020, when news of the COVID-19 pandemic emerged, it meant an existential threat to the survival of businesses internationally. L’Abode Accommodations, a full-service property management company based in Sydney, Australia that specialized in mid- to high-end luxury vacation homes, was no exception. Virtually overnight, the company experienced an alarming number of contract cancellations. To make matters worse for an industry dependent .....more

L’Abode Accommodations Down Under: Agile Leadership Navigates Pandemic Threat to Business Survival - Teaching Note
作者姓名:Dennis Paris; Sheri Lambert; Jennifer M. Sundstrom-Fitzgerald;
出版日期:2022/03/18內容長度:16 頁

Teaching note for product W26692.